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Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Weekly Challenge #52! Annual Wrap-up and SMART Goals

Its hard to believe we're at week 52 and that the year is almost over.

The New Year is often a time for reflection, and for making goals, and that's what we're working on this week.

Take a little quiet time to yourself to reflect back on the last year. What did you do that you are really happy about or proud of? Give yourself some credit for those things and remember what you did to make yourself successful and to meet your goals.

Next, think about the upcoming year. There are 52 fresh new glorious weeks spread out before you and YOU get to decide what you're going to do with them!

Set a new goal for yourself, something you'd like to achieve over the next year. Specifically, set a fitness goal. Do you want to run or walk your first 5K race? Start training for and complete a triathlon? Learn to swim?  Try yoga?  Complete a half marathon? Be able to do 25 push ups without resting? Goal setting is important - if you don't know where you're going, it is hard to get there.

As you plan a successful and fit 2012, don't just make a list of resolutions set GOALS for yourself instead. Remember to keep your goals S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. You can read more about SMART Goals here.

It has been an amazing year, full of growth, strength, challenges, triumphs and change. I wish you all a 2013 that is healthy, balanced, and full of joy.

Happy Holidays!

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