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Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 Weekly Challenge Week #50: Hydration

Yep, back up on my soap box again...This weeks' challenge is all about HYDRATION.

Living where we do, it is almost impossible to forget to drink water in the summer.  Those triple digit days make it pretty easy to remember our water bottles when we leave the house, and all that sweating reminds us we need to restore our body's balance.

In the winter...well, the winter is a different story.  In the winter, it feels easier and more intuitive to grab an extra cup of coffee, or snuggle up with hot tea.  And a cold drink of water on a cold morning isn't exactly the first thing I think of grabbing.

Guess what though?  Hydration in the winter is important too!  The heaters are blowing on us all the time, drying out our skin and our membranes and leaving us even more susceptible to dehydration.  And don't forget that if you are even a little bit dehydrated - 2% - you will burn 30% fewer calories during your workouts and your regular activities of daily living.

This week's challenge:  Be sure to get your 80-100 ounces of water every day.  Do what you need to do to make it happen:  add lemon, add mint, set a timer to remind yourself to get up and get another glass of water, give yourself a reward.

Stay hydrated!  Your body will love you for it!

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