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Friday, November 29, 2013

2013 Weekly Challenge #48: Pick Your Day!

Tis the season for parties, celebrations, get togethers...food is everywhere all the time this time of year, and it isn't always the healthy stuff.

The bad news: the average person expects to gain weight during the holidays, and does so.
The good news:  YOU don't have to!

This holiday season, make a deal with yourself:  Do your best to eat healthfully and clean six days out of the week.  And pick ONE day a week to indulge.

Now let's be clear here, indulge does not mean "eat the entire cheesecake followed by a chocolate fondue chaser with a bottle of champagne to wash it all down."  Nope, not gonna happen.  Right?

What I do mean is: decide that you will have a small piece of that cheesecake, enjoy a glass of wine, and take a day to not count calories.

Of course even on an indulgent day you will still want to get those veggies in and hydrate - in fact, you should hydrate extra to get the extra sodium flowing right out of your body.  But take a day to indulge, and celebrate.

Happy December :)

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