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Friday, April 18, 2014

2014 Weekly Challenge #16: The SWIMSUIT Challenge

Like it or not, swimsuit season is just around the corner. It will be time to peel off those layers, and show the world the excellent work you've been doing at Bootcamp :)  Here's a challenge to make the transition from sweaters to swimsuits even more enjoyable!

Your challenge: Set aside 5-10 minutes a day for a Swimsuit workout! Be sure to plan it in advance, and put it on your calendar.

The workout: A set of butt shapers or butt blasters, planking 3 ways (one minute facing down, one minute each side), and 20 bicycles/20 roll outs (3 sets).  Don't know what these are?  Be sure to ask your coach, or check out the VIDEO link to the right!

You'll be amazed at what a different a few minutes a day can make!

Have a GREAT week!

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